Friday, September 5, 2014

Five for Friday

A little Five for Friday brought to by Ryan Gosling and my life right now. 

Yay for 3 day weekends & family in town <3 

A while ago I broke my laminator...and then this week I broke my teacher's laminator, but then I fixed it. Then I got so excited about laminating, I tried to fix mine. BUT it's still broken. So, what did I do? Bought a new one. Whoops. :D 

Thank you, too <3 

Created these cute little pencil headers for my cooperating teachers board and added an I can... section on the board. 

Today, I grouped students into table groups ALL by myself. Let's hope I really did separate the talkers and put all the "I can't see the board" kids in the front. 

Welcome Baby Liam <3 
My oldest cousin welcomed her first little one today. Heading to the hospital in a bit. 

Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend. Mine will be filled with lesson plans and personal journal entries and student progress plans and laundry and grocery shopping and laminating and hopefully the pool. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Last month, I was sitting my pretty little big booty on the couch watching my brother and sister play without a care any homework/schoolwork to do. A lot has changed in one month. A lot. 

One week ago, I walked into my student teaching classroom. The classroom that I'll spend the next 15 weeks. It sounds so like so little. In 15 weeks, I'll be a college graduate with a teaching degree. The moment I've been waiting for since I took my first college class in Fall of 2010. Yay. 

My hopes for this blog were to touch on a few lessons I've learned from student teaching while right smack dab in it. 

  • Lesson #1: Wear comfortable shoes and clothes, but remember that you're not an employee. Don't dress like you already have a job. 

  • Lesson #2: Interact with the students as much as you can. Talk to them, help them, and get to know each of them as much as you can. 

  • Lesson #3: Always bring your lunch. And run as fast as you can back to your room after dropping the kids off in the cafeteria. Your lunch will go from 25 minutes to 15 if another teacher or administrator sees you in the hallway. 

  • Lesson #4: Get to know the staff/employees besides your cooperating teacher. They'll be more likely to help you out when in need. 

The past week has been such a great experience and I'm only just observing and helping out here and there. Next week, I start teaching!